This morning our trip to church started out rather interesting. Everyone we passed coming out of the first church service was barefoot. This really had us wondering where
everyone's shoes were going. During the service the pastor delivered a very good sermon about loving the Lord, your neighbor, and yourself. By the end of the sermon, the alter had everything from flip flops to very expensive ostrich boots on it. The pastor then told us that all of the shoes that were donated would be sent to the charity
Samaritan's Feet or given to people in the community that needed nice shoes for job interviews or things like that. Did you know that 1/3 of the children in the world today are shoeless? This gives me a reason to go ahead and clean out my closet again and donate lots and lots of shoes that I don't need. I only have 2 feet I don't need 100 or even 50 shoes.
Doesn't it break your heart to see these two pictures together. To think that these poor kids have no shoes and then to see that one person has more than enough shoes to wear for a whole year without wearing the same pair twice.

This evening we had Matt's parents, sister, and niece over for a small super bowl gathering. We enjoyed some really yummy fajitas, snacks, visiting, and playing with Emily Grace.
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