Welcome to all of our family and friends that decided to visit our blog after receiving our moving cards. As you can see, I am not the best at updating, but sometimes life gets in the way of blogging.

A week ago my family lost a very special lady. My 82 year old grandmother went to be with the Lord after a 3 year battle with lung cancer. She fought a good fight and finally her body just wore out. Over the last few years, we have watched on as her health declined, but her fiery spirit never did. She was joking with her nurses and family just hours before passing away. My grandmother was a firecracker and you never had to wonder what was on her mind because she was sure to let you know. She was also a great cook, and I am thankful that I spent an evening with her learning all of her cooking secrets. I will treasure the memories I have of her forever and will one day share my memories of her with my children. Thanks to everyone that showed my family support over the last week. Love you MawMaw!
MawMaw and Granddaddy on their wedding day December 29, 1950 |
MawMaw and Shasta (my oldest sister) back in the 80s. |
MawMaw and I on my wedding day November 7, 2009 |
MawMaw getting down at my wedding reception.
You never know what children are going to say or how they are going to react. I do want to add a few sweet things that I want to remember. One of my younger nephews Hunter was just really intrigued that since MawMaw was in heaven she could walk and dance and do all kinds of things that she couldn't do in the last few years, but most importantly to him she had real teeth again. MawMaw never wanted any of us to see her without her teeth in, but we all knew that she had dentures. The first thing Hunter did when we got to the funeral home was run up to my mom and tell her all about MawMaw's new teeth. During visitation that night, Hunter made a little friend and he was sure to bring him up to MawMaw and tell the boy that she had teeth again. We also caught Hunter peering into the casket trying to check out her new teeth. The sweetest thing that I want to remember about the day we celebrated MawMaw's life also came from Hunter. We were riding from the funeral home to the gravesite and he looks at me and my little sister and says "Do you know what my favorite part of today was?" We both kind of looked at each other not knowing what was about to come out of his mouth. And he goes, "Seeing MawMaw."